Enterprise Engagement Alliance

Purpose SummitJoin the Enterprise Engagement Alliance PurposePoint Stakeholder Management Academy

The Only How-to Program to Implement Your Organization’s Purpose Through Stakeholder Management,  Metrics, and Reporting

The Purpose Leadership and Stakeholder Management Academy is the only organization we know of focused specifically on the systematic implementation of Purpose Leadership and stakeholder management. We are dedicated to providing the how-to knowledge and tools for organizations, their leadership at all levels, and the solution providers that support them to fulfill their purpose and achieve their goals and objectives, with a formal learning program led by a faculty of leading educators and practitioners around the world. 

Scroll down to learn more and to sign up for the Academy for Purpose Leadership and Stakeholder Management or contact Bruce Bolger at Bolger@TheEEA.org or 914-591-7600, ext. 230. 

Purpose Leadership and stakeholder management provide a roadmap for enhancing returns for investors by creating value for customers, employees, distribution and supply chain partners, communities, and the environment. Master the theory, framework, implementation process, tools, impact measures and reporting processes of this emerging new paradigm for leadership at all levels of any organization. Share your expertise with others.

Whatever area of organizational management you work in, learn how to harmonize general management, finance, marketing and sales, human resources, and other organizational activities to support the purpose, goals, objectives, and values of your organization in a more measurable way.

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance and its PurposePoint collaborators offer extensive free how-to information to anyone who signs up for the free EEX Advisors program below and, for paid Academy members, a comprehensive library of books, a formal self-learning program with videos, and discounted events and tools Purpose Leaders can benefit from in their stakeholder management journey, based on the level of membership. Our faculty consists of leaders in the field, representing over 40 academics, corporate practitioners and solution providers. Click here for complete details on the Academy curriculum and other tools offered with EEA PurposePoint Academy membership.

To assess the benefits of the EEA PurposePoint Academy to your organization, you can confidentially benchmark the maturity of your organization’s stakeholder management practices using the Omindex EEA Stakeholder Management Assessment Calculator. SMAC can now be licensed to organizations to use to thoroughly evaluate their own organizations by conducting the assessment of their own stakeholder leaders, or by advisory firms to help their clients on the quest to stakeholder management.

Joining the EEA and PurposePoint learning, professional development, and continuing education program below provides you or your organization the roadmap iand resources it needs to implement and demonstrate your commitment to the basic principles of Purpose Leadership and a strategic, systematic, and measurable approach to achieving organizational purpose, goals, and objectives through people across the enterprise.

Enterprise Engagement Alliance services. Click here for an overview of all the services provided by the EEA to corporations.  Click here for an overview of ESM media services for engagement solution providers and here for an overview of RRN media services for solution providers in total rewards.

Annual EEA PurposePoint Purpose Leadership Academy Benefits, Fees, and Signup Form

Here is an overview of the paid and free EEA and PurposePoint Academy programs. You can sign up below for the option of your choice. Click here for details on books, self-learning videos, the live events, and the growing number of measurement, assessment and other tools that come with paid Academy membership.

  • Have any questions? Call Bruce Bolger, EEA Founder, at 914-591-7600, ext. 230; Bolger@TheEEA.org.
  • Click here to learn about the Enterprise Engagement Alliance referral program providing significant financial or experiential benefits to those who refer our services or those of other EEA solution providers to their clients, who also share in the referral program benefits in the form of discounts or equivalent value.

1. Professional (Individual) Purpose Leadership and Stakeholder Management Academy Membership 

  • Library. Membership includes the core EEA and Purpose Leader books, including Enterprise Engagement for CEOs; Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap for stakeholder management implementation and Finding Purpose at Work by Davin Salvagno and Helping People Win at Work, by Ken Blanchard and Garry Ridge, recently retired CEO of WD-40.
  • Nine hours on-demand video training for all eligible management with panels of experts, updated annually. Click here for more details on the curriculum.
  • A one-hour onboarding meeting to chart your membership path based on your goals and objectives.
  • 40% discount to the Purpose Summit, April 29-May 1 in Charlotte, NC, while available, to meet management in all areas of business, government, not-for-profits and faith-based organizations.
  • A 15% discount to the Appreciation at Work certification and system implementation framework ($850 versus $1,000 annually)
  • A 25% discount on the formal training program for use of the Omindex Organizational Maturity Index ($1,800 versus $2,500 annually–training for 10 hours of training broken into several sessions); and on the EEA Stakeholder Management Assessment Calculator (SMAC); $1,125 annually versus $1,500; $2,000 versus $2,500 for multi-use agency license.
  • Free use of the Charity Choice charitable giving platform for not-for-profits offering a 15% fund-raising commission for qualified companies.
  • A listing on the Enterprise Engagement Alliance individual or organizational membership page.
  • Access to a help desk to find information, experts, or solution providers to address your organization’s needs.

Annual cost: $425

2. Corporate Practitioner Purpose Leadership and Stakeholder Management Academy Membership (For organizations seeking to implement effective stakeholder management practices and reporting with multiple employees. )

All of the above, plus:

Click here for complete details on the learning and continuing education program as well as the impact, measurement and charitable giving tools.

Annual cost: $1,075

3. Enterprise and Solution Provider Academy Membership (For enterprises seeking access to the EEA People Value Impact Calculator and referral widget and for solution providers seeking to elevate their products and services to support stakeholder management implementation, measurement, and reporting.)

Same as the Corporate Practitioner program with the addition of:

  • The complete library of books listed as options in the corporate program.
  • A one-year license to the People Value Impact Indicator to measure and correlate the impact of people engagement efforts across the enterprise.
  • For solution providers, An announcement article as appropriate in ESM or RRN media, and ability to submit insight articles for publication; plus a highlighted listing in the EEXAdvisors.com for engagement services and/or BrandMediaCoalition.com marketplace for total rewards.

Annual cost: $1,500 for Enterprise and Solution Provider Membership. Plus one time $300 setup and customization fee. 

Enhanced programs for solution providers. For engagement solution providers, click here to learn about our content marketing, thought leadership, and exposure solutions in our ESM weekly newsletter and web media platform and EEXAdvisors.com marketplace. Click here to learn about the same services to reach the total rewards marketplace in our RRN weekly newsletter and web media platform and BrandMediaCoalition.com marketplace.

4. Enterprise Engagement Alliance Advisors Program for Academics, Students, and Those Seeking an Introduction (Free). 

Academics and students who select Academic upon registration below receive the online learning program and our weekly ESM e-newsletter offering the latest news and information on research, organizations, and people in the field. All others receive the weekly e-newsletter only.

Annual cost. Free

5. Enterprise Engagement Certification Examinations

  • $350 for a one-hour webinar meeting test on the principles of Stakeholder Capitalism and Enterprise Engagement to receive the Certified Engagement Practitioner status, good for three years; $350 for advanced practitioner exam.
Sign Up Below to Get Started

Please enter the information below—all fields are required. Then, select which EEA membership you would like to register for, and pay if you are joining the Academy.  You will receive a confirmation e-mail. Please be sure to indicate your desired category of membership: General Management/Operations, Human Resources, Finance, Marketing, Sales, Government/Not-for-Profits; Engagement Solution Providers, and Academics/Students. 

Contact Bruce Bolger at Bolger@TheICEE.org or call 914-591-7600, ext. 230 for more details.